15. Dezember 2023

EUCO: Heads of state and government are leading Europe deeper into the crisis


Following the inconclusive EU summit on the revision of the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework, Rasmus ANDRESEN, spokesperson for the German Greens in the European Parliament and member of the negotiating team for the Multiannual Financial Framework, comments as follows:



“The Council summit ends with a great disappointment. The fact that the summit on the EU budget ended without a result is a very bad signal for our ability to act. Europe is sliding deeper into crisis.


The signal for Ukraine is dramatic. It is bitter that the EU does not have the strength to provide necessary financial aid for Ukraine. In addition to the USA, European solidarity is also faltering. Through his blockade, Orban has become a security risk for Europe. In addition to the USA, European support is also shaky. We Greens are very worried. Vladimir Putin has reason to be happy.

Von der Leyen’s strategy of buying Viktor Orban by releasing funds has failed. Orban should remain isolated and have his voting rights withdrawn. Anyone, who puts our security at risk, must lose influence.


The EU must now introduce alternatives to financing Ukraine. If Orban does not want to be part of the European cooperation, the other 26 states must provide help.


The past few years have shown that the EU budget was too poorly positioned for crises and that it urgently needs to be revised. This important opportunity is now real because of national egoism and narrow-mindedness. Instead of preparing the EU for further crises, the heads of state and government are damaging Europe’s ability to act and security.


We would have also needed an investment vehicle to invest in our infrastructure and industry. Scholz, Macron and von der Leyen appear to have learned nothing from the Inflation Reduction Act. Now there isn’t even the STEP industrial program, which would have been a start to stimulating the massive investment push we need. Now Europe will continue to lose competitiveness.”