Draghi's boldness must not be slowed down by national no-sayers
September 9th, 2024
Regarding the Draghi report on European competitiveness presented today, Rasmus ANDRESEN, the Green Party’s spokesperson for budgetary and financial policy in the European Parliament, states:
“Draghi’s report is bold and highlights several weaknesses. The EU must be reformed if we want to successfully compete with the US and China. We need modern, climate-resilient infrastructure and a stronger focus on innovation. Therefore, we welcome the strong emphasis on public and private investments in the report. However, we would have liked to see a stronger focus on climate targets. The ball is now in President von der Leyen’s court to turn the report into concrete policies. Draghi’s boldness must not be slowed down by national no-sayers. Berlin, Paris, and Madrid must not declare what cannot be done with them, but rather contribute concrete proposals to the debate.”