27. Februar 2024

European Housing Response Plan

EU-WirtschaftOffene BriefeSoziale Gerechtigkeit

Europe is in a housing crisis: people across the continent are faced with increasingly unaffordable rents, eye-watering house prices, serious supply challenges and poorly insulated rundown housing.

An estimated 125 million people are living in energy poverty and approximately 900,000 people are sleeping rough or in shelters every night. Meanwhile, private investors are making huge money from betting on our housing markets, energy companies are making unprecedented profit from the energy crisis, and neighbourhoods are being transformed into holiday rental cities. Enough is enough.

Rising rents and energy costs are not an inevitable reality. Europe has the tools and resources to make sure that everyone can have a safe, decent and affordable home. The time to act is now.

Read the Letter to EU-Housing Ministers

Read our: European Housing Crisis Response Plan

Read more: https://act.greens-efa.eu/european-housing-crisis-response-plan

Contact: Jonas ILLIGMANN (he/him) – Accredited Parliamentary Assistant | Akkreditierter Parliamentarischer Assistent
Tel. +32 2 48 57373 – Mail:  jonas.illigmann@europarl.europa.eu